Falling Down Lyrics « « Lyrics

  • Lyrics:
    Falling Down - Joski

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Falling Down

everybody’s talking like there’s something left to say.
but i can’t keep this to myself, i won’t keep this to myself.
everybody’s screaming like the boat it came today.
like you, but me.
my skin is my prison
tear me away
my skin is transitory
everybody’s crying like their god she left today.
they won’t take this lying down; lie stock still without a sound.
everybody’s laughing like they’re trying to stay awake.
like you, but me.
my skin is my prison
tear me away
my skin is transitory
tear me away
please help me to fall down now
like you, but me.
my skin is my prison
tear me away
my skin is transitory
tear me away
please help me to fall down now

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