Paradise Lyrics « « Lyrics

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    Paradise - Novaspace

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Paradise Lyrics
Can’t sleep tonight, I’m still waiting,
For a wonder soon to happen, and I pray
Is there anyone out there ?
I need consolation,
Why can’t I still be with you?
I thought it was paradise, when I found you,
Paradise – Have I been wrong ?
I thought it was paradise,
But I’ve been mistaken,
You left me here all alone,
Can’t see the light, and I’m losing,
Any hope, there’s nothing that I haven’t tried,
Is there anyone out there,
To relight the fire ?
Why don’t you give me a sign ?
I thought it was paradise, when I found you,
Paradise – Have I been wrong ?
I thought it was paradise,
But I’ve been mistaken,
You left me here all alone,

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